QUESTIONABLY - traducción al árabe
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QUESTIONABLY - traducción al árabe



خُصُوص ; خَطْب ; شَأْن ; صَدَد ; قَضِيَّة ; مَطَالِب ; مَطْلَب ; مَوْضُوع


اِسْتَخْبَرَ ; اِسْتَنْبَأَ ; اِسْتَنْطَقَ ; تَسَاءَلَ ; حَقَّقَ مَعَ ; سَأَلَ ; ناقَشَ شاهِدًا إلخ

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·adv In a questionable manner.
Ejemplos de pronunciación para QUESTIONABLY
1. have to continue taking questionably
Happy Mutant Baby Pills _ Jerry Stahl _ Talks at Google
2. some would dare say questionably dressed.
3. has been questionably sort of verified again
Why Are We Yelling _ Buster Benson _ Talks at Google
4. And this collection of vague related questionably coherent
What is Real _ Adam Becker _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de QUESTIONABLY
1. "The main mission is to legalize the questionably acquired property.
2. Even if true, this is questionably sufficient cause to leave Olmert in the government.
3. Both women‘s lawsuits claim the order knew Kent suffered from mental illness and had behaved questionably with children and that it concealed that knowledge.
4. More questionably, it also decided to bail out the bank and its shareholders through loans and guarantees which by Christmas had reached 55billion: that is not far short of 1,000 for every man, woman and child in the country.
5. On the face of it, Empire Online, registered in the British Virgin Islands and based in Cyprus, is run by an irreverent, mercurial Israeli entrepreneur, and operates in an industry that, outside the UK, is questionably legal.